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Language names our thinking! The theory behind our work at the INSL LLC

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language names our thinking

Language names our thinking! The theory behind our work at the INSL LLC

When we want to communicate ideas to others or understand within our own brains what we are learning, we use language to name our thinking. Language is the highest level of learning, according to Dr. Ellyn Arwood, who created the Neuro-semantic Language Learning Theory (NsLLT). This theory is the basis of our approach at INSL LLC as we work with learners. Language allows our learners to connect what they already know with the new ideas they are learning using their brains’ visual learning systems.

How do our brains learn? It all starts with what comes in through our senses. We learn most with our distant senses, through our eyes and ears. Acoustic waves are transferred from mechanical to electrical inputs in our ears. Our eyes detect light waves and movement and translate those into electrical signals. Next our brain stems process the input into patterns which are then sent through cerebral circuits to create ideas or concepts. At the highest level of thinking, our cortical networks are formed where we add language to explain our thinking. So learning is a very active and social process which can be hindered if our brains aren’t given enough ways to layer for understanding new content.

At INSL LLC, we offer our learners multiple points of access to add layers to previous experiences, so they can build higher levels of thinking and use language to explain to others what they now know. “Trevor” explains how INSL LLC has helped him learn: “When I learn with you (Lou- CEO at INSL LLC) I feel those gears working, it makes me happy, that really makes a difference in my life”. Lou has found that her students not only advance their literacy skills after working with her, but also gain confidence and excitement about learning, which is a goal of INSL LLC. We want to help learners around the world be excited about learning new things, by knowing how they learn best and by using higher-level thinking.

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INSL LLC is a business dedicated to helping students, families and educators create positive change at home, and within the classroom, based on the science of learning as described in Dr. Ellyn Arwood’s Neurosemantic Language Learning Theory (NSLLT). Within this website you will find information about Arwood’s learning theory, as well as opportunities for virtual clinical services, virtual learning, and professional development.

INSL LLC is a business dedicated to helping students, families and educators create positive change at home, and within the classroom, based on the science of learning as described in Dr. Ellyn Arwood’s Neurosemantic Language Learning Theory (NSLLT). Within this website you will find information about Arwood’s learning theory, as well as opportunities for virtual clinical services, virtual learning, and professional development.