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How we look at behavior at INSL LLC

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how we look at behavior

How we look at behavior at INSL LLC

Behavior has become a term fraught with negative connotations, but what is behavior exactly? According to the theory we implement at INSL LLC, it is simply a form of communication, which we all use all day long. Yet how we communicate (behave) can be pro-social or anti-social, depending on how we interact with our environment and how our brains react to sensory input. Many school environments approach behavior with techniques that may diminish students’ sense of self or even punish them for actions they may not even understand. At INSL LLC we work with our learners to promote pro-social behavior by helping them attach meaning to their behavior, so they see options to act in ways that support them and those around them.

How do we help our learners with pro-social behavior concepts? First of all, we see each individual as a whole person who brings gifts and strengths. We don’t focus on the deficits, but we do address behaviors as an integral part of a person. We use drawing and writing as a way to communicate so that our learners can see themselves in the pictures and recognize their role in the relationships with those around them and in the contexts in which they live.

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INSL LLC is a business dedicated to helping students, families and educators create positive change at home, and within the classroom, based on the science of learning as described in Dr. Ellyn Arwood’s Neurosemantic Language Learning Theory (NSLLT). Within this website you will find information about Arwood’s learning theory, as well as opportunities for virtual clinical services, virtual learning, and professional development.

INSL LLC is a business dedicated to helping students, families and educators create positive change at home, and within the classroom, based on the science of learning as described in Dr. Ellyn Arwood’s Neurosemantic Language Learning Theory (NSLLT). Within this website you will find information about Arwood’s learning theory, as well as opportunities for virtual clinical services, virtual learning, and professional development.